Cast drawing with Patrick Jackson
Patrick Jackson
Drawing plaster casts is a proven way to improve drawing skills, and has been used to train artists for hundreds of years. In this 5-video series, Patrick Jackson goes through all the steps needed to take a cast drawing to completion, starting from what materials to use through to final rendering.

Monday 4 January, 2021
In this first video of our new 5-part cast drawing series, Patrick Jackson talks about setting up the cast, what materials to use, and starts the first phase of drawing - the block-in.

Monday 11 January, 2021
In this second video of our new 5-part cast drawing series, Patrick covers transitioning from a line drawing to a mass drawing, demonstrating tools, and techniques to separate light from shade.
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Monday 18 January, 2021
In this third video of our new 5-part cast drawing series, Patrick covers values, typical pitfalls and mistakes faced by beginners, and how to make your drawing three-dimensional.
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Monday 25 January, 2021
In this fourth video of our new 5-part cast drawing series, Patrick Jackson covers the topics of the fall of light and the lost edge. He will also demonstrate how he uses materials and equipment to achieve the desired effects.
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Monday 1 February, 2021
In this final video of our new 5-part cast drawing series, Patrick Jackson will take you through finishing your drawing while considering things such as focal points and halftones.
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