Upcoming online sessions

We run regular, tutored online drawing sessions. They’re a great way to carve out a time to focus on your art each week. We run portrait drawing sessions every Sundays at 4 PM (UK Time) and figure drawing on Wednesdays at 8 PM (UK Time). A tutor joins us, does a demonstration and gives hints and tips. At the end of the session you can share your work with the group for feedback and we give you a link so you can download the photographs and continue working on your drawings.

Portrait sessions are free on the last Sunday of the month. Otherwise, sessions cost $6.50 each, or you can subscribe for only $12 a month. For a FREE taster session of your choosing, sign up below

“This is the best drawing instruction I’ve seen anywhere” – Miriam Danar
Subscribe to our mailing list and we’ll keep you informed about upcoming online sessions, workshops and events. Plus we’ll give you access to SEVEN of our previous sessions, and a voucher worth $6.50 for a future session, all for FREE
We won’t sell or share your data and you can unsubscribe at any time. You can see our privacy policy here
Lizet Dingemans
Sunday 30 March, 2025 at 4 PM (UK time)
In this session, Lizet Dingemans sketches a portrait of model Selena in graphite, using B, HB, and H pencils on white paper. She carefully builds form through subtle shifts in tone, refining details with delicate shading and precise linework. The focus of this session is on achieving depth and structure while maintaining a sense of softness in the transitions.
This session will start in 1 day's time.
Luca Indraccolo
Wednesday 2 April, 2025 at 8 PM (UK time)
Join Luca Indraccolo as he captures the figure of model Lidia, exploring how to use edges to define and soften form. Working on black paper, he uses a range of Polychromos coloured pencils—black, white, and three shades of grey (light, mid, and dark)—along with a pencil eraser and a Mars plastic eraser. Through careful transitions between tones and hard and soft edges, he creates a dynamic sense of volume and depth in the drawing.
This session will start in 4 days' time.
Video search
Missed a session? Or want to find a session based on its subject matter, tutor or materials used? You can search our library of hundreds of portrait, figure, landscape and still lifes here
Take a look of our curated playlists, carefully selected for our library of hundreds of videos. Click here
Image search
Looking for a reference photo? Search our library of 1,200+ images by model type, pose and so on here
3D library
We have a number of 3d reference models too – you can view annotated, anatomical sculptures and real people in three dimensions. Go here
Share your work
You can share your work from our sessions and reference libraries, and see other people’s too. Go here
Subscribe now
Like what you’ve seen so far? Then subscribe from only $6.50 a month.
Subscribe to our mailing list and we’ll keep you informed about upcoming online sessions, workshops and events. Plus we’ll give you access to SEVEN of our previous sessions, and a voucher worth $6.50 for a future session, all for FREE
We won’t sell or share your data and you can unsubscribe at any time. You can see our privacy policy here

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