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How to wash your brushes
Lizet Dingemans
In this 1-minute Raw Umber Shorts quick hints and tips video, Lizet Dingemans explains how to clean two types of brushes (sable and hog) after painting in oils.
In this hour-long online session, we'll be going back to fundamentals with artist Lizet Dingemans and model Joanna.
The first and most important step to creating a likeness is to focus on *shapes*. You need to observe the ...
In this short Raw Umber's Studio Essential video, Lizet Dingemans explains and provide hints and tips on how to measure properly in order to achieve accurate drawings.
In this week's 1-hour Raw Umber portrait drawing session, Lizet Dingemans will take you through 3 poses of Leidy in 10, 20, and 30 minutes.
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